Giraffe'z World

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Well, not really. Just students chanting slogans at Bethlehem University's Student Election Rally. Yellow flags for Fatah, Green for Hamas, Red for the PFLP and DFLP (Popular Front and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Judean People's Party, People's Party of Judea, anyone?). Fatah guys wore black kefayas, PFLP/DFLP red ones and Hamas supporters had green scarves.

The entry into Bethlehem is gruesome. I'm glad all the tourists have to go through it too so that they see what the Palestinians have to go through every single day.

Yet again I find I don't have enough time to describe what I've seen, may need to write a monster post when I get home and can finally sort my thoughts. Now off to a BBQ at a Finnish journalists house.


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