Giraffe'z World

Monday, August 07, 2006

Watching Beirut Burn

These days I wonder how many times we must watch history repeat itself until someone learns from the mistakes of the past and makes a new initiative to change things. I am, of course, talking about the most recent of the Middle East crisis - the war between Israel and Hezbollah. How many times will Qana be bombed again? How many UN soldiers will perish in accidents (or "accidents", underline the one that applies)? Why is everyone so short-sighted and, quite frankly, dumb?

All the time I've spent studying the Middle East and its politics and now, looking at the news feeds and reports we get from Lebanon, I find myself wondering if I've actually learned anything. I don't have a fix for anything.

I decided to move last summer's scriblings here as it was pointless to pay for a webpage I wasn't actively using. This'll do fine for the time being.


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